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Facial Aesthetics

Aging is a natural process for all the living, but depending on our genetic heritage, lifestyle and habits, each individual has a different history of aging. A younger look can be achieved with facial aesthetics applications.

Facial Aesthetics: Our Services

Facial aesthetics

Aging is a natural process for all the living, but depending on our genetic heritage, lifestyle and habits, each individual has a different history of aging. A younger look can be achieved with facial aesthetics applications.

Facial Plastic Surgery

It is a fact that we have a chance to transform the story of aging through the experience, knowledge and technology that the medical world has reached today.

One or more of these plastic surgeries may be preferred. In facial plastic surgeries; patient’s skin, age, bone structure, ear shape etc. features play a decisive role.

It is very important that patients who want to have facial plastic surgery should evaluate the changes they desire by considering the advice and information given by their doctors and planning the operation together.

“It should be noted that a successful facial plastic surgery is the closest to the natural appearance.”

Wrinkles and sagging in the jowl area that appear with the age makes the person look like older than s/he is and are visually disturbing. Sudden changes in weight and hereditary characteristics can cause wrinkles and sagging at an early age. Neck plasty is usually a plastic operation combined with other areas of the face. It is generally considered as a whole with face lift and jaw surgery.

Face lifting operation aims to eliminate the bad appearance of wrinkled skin sagging on the face. Face lifting operation should be considered with the problems in the chin, nose and eyes. Therefore, it requires serious planning. Because face lifting is the operation that is most easily recognized from outside, it is very important that it is performed by an experienced team.

They are the applications in which drops on eyebrows, asymmetry problems are eliminated. They are usually planned together with the eye area and forehead. After eyebrow lifting, the meaning of the person’s gaze becomes much more pronounced.

Together with advancing age, the eyelids tend to drop one-sided or double-sided. If this drop is extensive, it can also affect eye functions. With blepharoplasty, a part of the skin tissue that loses its elasticity is removed, and if there is excess fat formation, it is operated. It should generally be considered with lower eye and cheek areas.

The ear structure defined as prominent ear can be seen in both ears but also in one ear. This congenital ear shape can cause serious psychological problems especially in school-age children. The fact that ear surgery is performed at the beginning of the school age and is especially recommended for both the flexibility of the cartilage structure and the prevention of adaptation problems in the school.

Having the jaw in front or behind the nose distorts the profile view of the face. The filling of the jaw tip retraction allows the desired profile appearance to be achieved. If the jaw tip is in front, the tissue is smoothed from the golden section and aligned with the tip of the nose.

Facial plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. In facial plastic surgeries; patient’s skin, age, bone structure, ear shape etc. features play a decisive role. It is very important that patients who want to have facial plastic surgery should evaluate the changes they desire by considering the advice and information given by their doctors and planning the operation together. It should be noted that a successful facial plastic surgery is the closest to the natural appearance.

Non-Surgical Facial Procedures

Botox, fillings, lasers, peeling, mesotherapy, skin care, youth vaccine, dermabrasion, dermapen, gold needle radio frequency treatment and many applications are performed without surgical intervention in non-surgical facial procedures. These applications, which are frequently preferred by people who do not want to undergo a surgical operation, can be done comfortably in a short time. Recently, non-surgical applications and medical processes are increasing due to developing technology. In this case, treatment options also increase.

Facial Aesthetics: Text
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